Subaru is enveloped in a blue mist and attacked by plants, but is saved from the illusion by the same tiny spirit called La that Julius had set onto Subaru to protect him. After Julius frees the rest of the soldiers and merchants from the enchantment, Subaru is attacked by Ram who thinks that he abandoned Emilia. When the misunderstanding is cleared up Subaru tries to begin the evacuation of the villagers. They mistrust him and Emilia, but Ram intervenes and convinces them to leave. During the evacuation, Felix discovers a merchant is part of the Witch's Cult and he self-destructs, knocking out Subaru. When Subaru wakes up, he realizes that the village is under attack by the Witch's Cult and that the Archbishop of Sloth's power can be transferred to other Fingers who are among the merchants. When confronting the final finger, Emilia shows up and defeats him. After the battle, when La suddenly abandons Subaru, he panics and runs into the forest. Felix and Julius chase after him, but Subaru’s body becomes possessed by Petelgeuse. Subaru fights back long enough to ask Felix and Julius to kill him. They reluctantly agree and as Julius is about to cut him down, the scene shifts to Emilia in the village.